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Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

Writer's picture: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

My quick rating - 5,1/10. This movie is the epitome of the year 2020. Letdown. Everything that made the first one really good is disregarded in this sequel. It almost seemed like they took the aspects of Wonder Woman that made nearly a billion dollars and then made an 80s parody of itself. Just that sentence though, aside form a few minor clothing choices in the movie, you could've dropped this flick into any time period and it would've worked out the same. There was no cheesy synthesizer music during fights or chases, no 80s pop culture references, I didn't even notice cars being so atypical 80s. It was like the colors for the poster were the whole gimmick (and the obvious 80s TV show) and that was it. The first one developed a character who had flaws, had a point and actually gave woman a hero to root for in a male dominated genre. Then this comes along and tears down all that work. The action scenes were comical at times, minus the Cheetah/WW showdown, and all lead to her caring nature. Which would be fine if it wasn't done so poorly, and then blatantly. The acting, well specifically our two heroes, was bad. Gadot wasn't getting an Oscar for the first one but in this she seemed bored beyond belief. I also suppose Chris Pine was brought back from the dead for the ladies. Again, would be fine minus his shallow performance and the nearly complete lack of explaining why him showing up mattered. The backstory is whisked through so fast I actually missed it so unless you just saw the first one two days ago, you might be a bit annoyed as well. But at least the villains brought some performances up that weren't cringe worthy. Kristen Wiig really put it into her character and had me caring more about her kicking Wonder Womans ass then Gadot finally gasping out the whole moral dilema of this movie. Oh, and Pedro Pascal as Max Lord basically stole every scene he was in. At 2.5 hours, this one is a tough sell except for the fact, you are watching at home. Then pause is your friend. Hopefully the Black Widow can bring back a strong female hero again since it took one sequel to nearly destroy this one. I think I am even rating high to give you an idea of what you might be seeing elsewhere. Hi Linda Carter...



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