Justin Whippo

Sep 4, 20221 min

Wire Room (2022)

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

My quick rating - 3,8/10. I find that these STV Bruce Willis flix tend to work well for half-paying attention. Available on most streaming services including Amazon by clicking the poster below. It looks like Kevin Dillon hopped across the studio parking lot after Hot Seat with Mel Gibson to continue the aging icon actors collection. My first thought at the end was that it was an "adequate" TV movie. The premise here is relatively simple yet they attempted to make it far more elaborate which just didn't work. Dillon has to monitor the "wire" room which is keeping a surveillance eye on a witness to make sure he can stay alive and possibly gather some info. If something goes wrong, then you contact Willis and I am sure you can fill in the blanks. The action tends to be a bit a-team at times but with CGI since they seemed to completely overuse it for scenes even when they didn't need it. Never mind the stars in the flick though since Oliver Trevena playing Eddie Flynn, the guy they are keeping an eye on, was the highlight in this. His scenes really kept this one from being a complete #turkey. Still, as my thought at the end, it isn't a good movie but slightly entertaining if it is on I just wouldn't think you want to go out of your way to find this one.

#action #jackmeatsflix
