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Amityville In The Hood (2021)

Writer's picture: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Jan 1, 2022

My quick rating - 1,6/10. No, I am not making this shit up and like I always do, I still have to watch it knowing full well it is going to be horrid. By the initial credits, I am already laughing. Speaking of credits, that had to be about 4 minutes of text-only opening credits in a 70-minute flick. The gun sound effects in this are hilarious, sometimes a cap gun, sometimes a shotgun for the same gun being fired. If I had kept up pointing out all the dumb stuff as it happened, this review would be pages long. Just an absolute joke of a film. First, let me also let you know that I allowed the end credits to run and it was 6 solid minutes making a told of 10 minutes of credits. Do the math, that makes this a long TV episode. I don't care if the laughs were on accident or on purpose, it was just surrounded by such a stupid plot and horrible acting that there is no way I could pass this off as so bad it is good. Apparently, almost any object that has come into contact with the Amityville house possesses wherever it goes. This time a toy monkey travels to Compton and in the basement of a grow house. So now some evil chronic is growing and when you smoke it, you are possessed by a demon and want to kill. All of that fun happens offscreen minus one shot to the head, so there is no gore to speak of. Strangely, and very lucky for the viewers there are no topless scenes. Be thankful since there is NO way you would be interested. What other horror tropes...naw, think that is it. Didn't see a woman chased, so no tripping for no reason. Some story interjected late on tries to explain why some cop is interested in stopping this but the tale he weaves doesn't make sense. Not even worth the hour unless you have the VHS tape and use it for a head cleaner (for those old enough to know what I mean)

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