My quick rating - .8/10. This has to be one of the worst things I have seen in a LONG time. If you are one of those that NEEDS to see every handicam film ever made, then here is one the worst examples to date of this genre. The dialogue, and there is NO WAY a script existed telling these idiots what to say, is so repetitive you may find a way to chew off your own ears as to not hear this Buzi (and as she is accidentally called in the film a couple times Booty) say "I want to go home" over and over....This makes that senseless bimbo whining in Blair Witch and snotting all over seem like an academy award winner. There is literally no redeeming quality to this and I have no idea how in the world "Amityville" keeps getting slapped onto movies of this quality. The ending clearly says it was called Mt. Misery Road, so why in the hell did the distribution company slap Amityville on it aside from the cash grab. Does someone with any sense not own the rights to this? A shame really since some good horror flix have been tied to those ghastly murders and this is certainly not one of them. Make sure you take not that is a decimal point 8 at the beginning, so less than 1.
Amityville: Mt Misery Road (2018)
Updated: Mar 27, 2021