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As Certain As Death (2023)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

My quick rating - 2,3/10. This flick starts out with a videotaped introduction to an intervention that is narrated by Cortney Palm as Kayla who seems to be sleepwalking through this role. Her boyfriend, Richard (Hutch Dano), gets his intro as the one who has a problem with drugs and alcohol and needs help from his friends. Pretty sure this is a personal statement type of movie that writer/director Dano is conveying a message under the guise of a horror film. There wouldn't be any other reason for such a generic intervention story taking up 62 minutes of a 79 minute movie before you even have a whiff of a horror element to it. But when that part is introduced, they do turn to the one killer of people that flies under the radar, religion. Ok, I am being cynical but that is the route this flick heads down in the last fleeting moments when they introduce Guy Wilson as Eli. I would've gladly rated this one higher had it just stuck to being a low budget personal project about the needs for intervention and the drama that goes along with the very difficult subject but to cheapen that by trying to shamelessly make it horror was idiotic. There was absolutely nothing slasher about any of this and it was a disgrace to whatever and whomever this project was intended for. At times the conversation between the group was deep and believable while others it just seemed way off. Just pass this one by if you run across it since it really is a bore either way. There isn't enough drama to tug much of your emotions and there surely isn't enough slasher either. More just a head scratcher as to why it went the route it did.

A few streamers have this one for cheap including Amazon.



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