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Catnado (2022)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Feb 8

My quick rating - 1.3/10. Ok, I just have to check this out with absolutely no intentions of it being any good LOL. I mean it has to be funny, right? "The world faces a horrific onslaught of tornadoes, each unleashing spiraling hordes of enraged and deadly cats upon humanity. As chaos reigns, a disparate group of individuals have one mission: to stop this feline fury. But against such odds, and with only one life to spare per person, their battle becomes a cat-astrophic struggle to weather the storm. And when the fur flies it will be a meow-ssacre." The synopsis reads like a singular story but this is actually a poor attempt at an anthology. This starts off with some masterclass level of acting for all you aspiring actors out there. Just awful. The only laughing I did was AT this pathetic attempt at a film. The special effects are insanely bad and blaming the budget has nothing to do with a sheer lack of creativity or attempt at hiding the financial burden. I have literally seen better effects at junior high school plays. The story involving a plane is a new level of amateur. The catnado itself is just horrendous looking and luckily they didn't try showing it often. Some scenes appeared like the caught the characters by surprise yet the director just kept rolling with it. Not sure if you blame editing or I really am wondering why I am rationalizing it since everyone involved is to blame. I often could not even tell if there was a story attempt going on or just random scenes thrown in. I expected to at least get a laugh when they are punching at the ferocious cats attacking but instead get a pan out to see grown adults pretending to be mauled by stuffed animals like you see a 4-year-old do with their teddy bears. And the sound is just terrible, especially when they are outside picking up every bit of electrical noise for miles around. Dialogue is difficult to hear, it is not like anything profound is being said anyways. Half of their after-credit scene features a woman talking that you cannot hear in the slightest. Hey, Vespa, it is "galaxy" not "gaxy." I guess they couldn't be bothered giving her another take on pronouncing it right. Just another example of the production quality, or complete lack of any. There is just so much wrong with this movie and these are just my notes. I am not bothering to rewrite this since they didn't bother entertaining me.

Stream it from Amazon is your only choice that works on Justwatch.



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