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Cocaine Werewolf (2024)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Feb 14

My quick rating - 1.7/10. Oh, that was bad. This film claims to deliver a wild ride of horror, mayhem, and drug-fueled chaos, but in reality, it offers little more than an exercise in frustration. The premise has been used before and far better than this flick. A crew filming a horror movie in the mysterious woods of northern Pennsylvania encountering a real-life werewolf in what sounds like it could at least be entertaining in a so-bad-it's-good kind of way. Unfortunately, this film doesn’t even achieve that. Despite boasting a $100K budget, it's hard to see where the money went. Unless the prop bags of cocaine were literally filled with the real thing, there's no way this film cost that much. The werewolf costume is laughable, resembling something you’d find in a bargain bin the day after Halloween. The blood effects are atrocious, and the acting is so wooden that it makes you wonder if the cast was deliberately trying to be this bad. The film's biggest insult to the audience is its audacity to tease a sequel. After sitting through the painful experience of watching this, the mere suggestion that there could be more is almost offensive. This movie fails on almost every level, from its shoddy production values to its inept performances and lackluster effects. Overall, Cocaine Werewolf is absolute garbage. It’s hard to imagine anyone involved in this project thought it would turn out well. And if the makers are reading this, please don't try and hit me up with the "You just don't get the joke." I do, and I have seen this exact type of budget and humor used to incredibly good levels and this is just plain trash. If you’re looking for a low-budget horror movie with charm or even some unintentional humor, you won’t find it here. Save yourself the time and skip this #turkey.

If you are a glutton for punishment, check Justwatch for where to stream this.

Cocaine Werewolf (2024) #jackmeatsflix
Cocaine Werewolf (2024)



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