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Demonic Christmas Tree (2022)

Writer's picture: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

My quick rating - 3,1/10. I don't have high hopes but it is that time of year. Justwatch didn't have anything so not sure where to stream it. I had to look and see who brought us this silliness and Rhys Water (Rhys Frake-Waterfield) happens to be the director of the upcoming Winnie the Pooh horror flick. It didn't take long for this to get just goofy and made me think the people behind Thankskilling were afoot LOL. With a possessed Christmas tree walking around you would think the potential for a so dumb it is funny was on its way but in truth, it still fails. There are insanely long amounts of time with people blabbering on about nothing and half of it you cannot hear since the audio quality and mixing is horrible. Voice will be nonexistent while music is blaring. Also, the day vs night inconsistencies and bizarre spotlights are distracting while you are trying to figure out why the killer tree sometimes is as tall as a two-story house while the next scene is walking around inside the exact same house on the first floor lol. I guess I should mention the story of how the tree is possessed is shown in flashback scenes that look completely like afterthoughts to just give some sort of explanation. It looks like two old people breaking into houses to stab the owners for being rich or greedy. They don't really explain much. The dialogue from the tree itself should've been really cheeseball throwing out stupid one-liners but instead is just repetitive often saying silly things like "you can't escape" for no reason. But I will say a few of the kills are entertaining enough along with a strange final battle that had to stretch the effects department to the max. Surely not destined to be a classic at all and such a wasted good but dumb idea that could've easily succeeded in the b-budget fun category. Instead, far too much time is just blown on the chicks pointlessly talking about nothing. Just not funny enough to be recommended to anyone but the die-hard low-budget fans yet enough laughs to peek above a #turkey.

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