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Evul Twinz (2020)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

My quick rating - 2,0/10. I put this on because of a 69 minute run time and no plot while working. WOW, I did not expect such shit, literally. There is NO way that these two main characters had a scripted line for what is going on. Just a general idea of what to talk about or what is next, and let them improvise. Let me assure you, that is NOT a good thing. I am aware of who Mercedes is since she has been linked to a few distributed Troma flix aside from this one in the past such as Rose & Viktor. She did grace us with a cameo here as a prostitute but you know she doesn't last long. Anyways, two brothers, who are real hunks for all you ladies, decide they want to become the first twin cannibal serial killers. They look a LOT like the pictures below, btw and are absolutely obsessed with Dahmer. As I mentioned, there is no acting, this is literally how these two are, well one of them, I read that Mario Cota Becerra who played Jack passed away shortly after completing this. Not really the legacy I would want to leave but I will leave it at that. After their revelation of what to do in life, they just go about murdering and eating people. Which leads to a disturbingly gross scene of the two of them shitting all over their bedroom. I find it difficult to figure out who thought this was something interesting to any viewers. I would've really thought a lfick that has the would purpose of grossing you out would focus a bit more on the gore in their kills but that isn't the case at all. THat is the mildest part of this whole train wreck. The dialogue seems all one sided with Larry directing the scene and then the two of them just ad-libbing off one another. Very amateurish to the point of irritating. I am sure this whole thing is for the shock value given the rape scene which you would have to see to understand why I point it out. Two words: "dildo" and "soap". Use your imagination to figure that out. Which might be a really good idea as opposed to watching this trash. I don't care if it has ties to Troma by distribution ONLY, I am not keeping it for my collection and anyone who knows me will realize that means it is REALLY bad. Avoid at all costs and don't let that 2.0 fool ya, towards the end when it tried to make a point about mental health, I did chuckle a few times.

Second flick in a row, no streamers are bothering with this one.



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