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Gore Theatre 2 (2019)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

My quick rating - 1,9/10. I am going out on a limb and assuming not seeing the first of these won't much matter LOL. It is looking to be an anthology of flix with the host being some dude's head announcing them. This first clip is trying to make you believe it is found footage of a snuff film. Not in the slightest convincing or gross. If it stays this bad, I'll comment live through it. I am noticing a theme here. Very amateur which makes sense if you look at the poster below. That second video was no better, just a deranged guy stitching some fake wings onto a woman whom he drugged. The third one at least had some creativity involved with a take on trying to trick the tooth fairy. Work popped, no more live commentary. Oh wow, how pathetic. This one is foreign and the subtitles are not visible, you can see the tops of the letters. There was just so little to like about this flick overall. I am not going to get into a further breakdown of this. Whoever received the video submissions somehow found a way to pick out an entire batch that is equally as bad as each other. I suppose there are two ways to look at that statement. This could have been the BEST of the videos that were submitted and that means there were flix that were worse than this? That would be people submitting 15 minutes of footage with red paint dripping down a wall. Although someone would find a way to call that modern art. On the other side, this was the worst of all submissions and the directors Luc Bernier and Simon Berry hate us so they made sure to include the wretched garbage of the entries they received. Neither option paints a very good picture so my best advice is to stay far away from this. This is one of those times that I saved you the trouble of beginning to watch something only to get angry and break whatever you were playing or viewing it with. You are welcome. Oh, and just a quick reminder to anyone new reading this. I adore Troma movies, so a low budget is never an issue. I actively seek out movies that claim to be ultra-violent or make anyone's list of the most disgusting films just to view them. August Underground and or any Guinea Pig variant are common for me to check out when there are releases to be had so don't think this is not my type of flick, this just plain sucks all around.

Plex is the only place to watch this one, either from mine or their freebie.



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