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Lost Vegas (2022)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

My quick rating - 2,0/10. Going in blind on this one. Before the credits even roll, I can see what I am in for, b-budget schlock and not in a good way. The acting for this one was about as bad as it gets. The clearly boredom inspired tale is that of lockdown due to COVID. Here is the story of people who think the vaccine is turning people into zombies. But at times, people who are around unvaccinated people turn into zombies. They really weren't too sure what they wanted the story to be, they just wanted to make sure you understood that the vaccine is bad, and that COVID is bad, and no matter what your reaction is, you are a zombie. Not a single person in this flick behaves like a human being would. Then again, the story itself doesn't lend to any intelligent decision making. There is no action, no gore to speak of and basically no entertainment value. When something is this bad, there isn't much else to say but stay away from it. The only kind of laughs you will get is directly AT those that made it.

Looks like Tubi is the only place for this one.



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