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The Roast Of Tom Brady (2024)

My quick rating - 7.0/10. That was pretty damn funny and very much live and uncut. There weren't any pulled punches here and it seemed all topics were fair game minus Brady giving Kraft massages. If you click the poster below it will take you to IMDB so you can check out the impressive cast they have brought in to rip on the supposed GOAT NFL quarterback. I would say that you can easily deduct a point if you aren't familiar with his career and any of the on and off field stuff with Brady (meaning you live in a cave.) Some of the jokes are strictly about sports-related incidents that you may not be aware of but aside from being 3 hours long, I doubt that will deter too much from the presentation. Kevin Hart did a commendable job as the host of the show and kept things moving along nicely. It made for some great background to listen to while upgrading one of my computers.

It was live and it is streaming on Netflix now.

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