My quick rating - 3,6/10. Ever since I heard of its existence, it has been on my Radarr and now it is time to see if it lives up to the hype. I am guessing NOPE. Writer/director Rhys Frake-Waterfield has dropped some straight up #turkey material before but I'll go in open-minded anyways. I now realize I was right in my assumption. I don't understand how you get your hands on a property such as this that is going to be money in the bank by sheer name alone and cannot do better with it. Turning a children's classic to horror like this is tailormade to succeed as long as you give it some care in the making. Budget constraints should be no issue since the campiness of the idea of a slasher Pooh bear is going to put asses in seats. It started off promising with an animated beginning explaining our story of how we get to where Robin, Pooh and Piglet are now. But it takes mere minutes before that is zapped away and our first of many long, drawn out scenes starts the upcoming boredom. These scenes are painfully elongated for no apparent reason. Even when I thought Rhys Water (same guy, he tends to get confused reporting his own name on IMDB) and had Pooh rip off his first victims top for a quick boob flash, the simple formula gets lost. All the things you are expecting from this type of flick is abandoned. No excessive gore and creative kills. No obligatory breast shots for no apparent reason. Not even some form of a plot pas what is summed up in the first cartoon we are treated to. Just some lame kills that take way too long to ever happen. And another strange thing is the fade to black shots as if there were commercials. Maybe those issues are the editors fault, who knows. The acting is on par for what you are expecting so they did get that part right. But aside from a few laughs here and there, they really dropped the ball on what could've been. I wish Troma got their hands on this IP since they would've known exactly what to do with it and not be so damn lazy. Everyone wanted a Winnie the Pooh horror movie, admit it, but I am here to tell you, this isn't IT.
Apparently this one isn't streaming yet. Obviously that isn't entirely true.
