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Murdaritaville (2024)

Writer: Justin WhippoJustin Whippo

Updated: Feb 4

My quick rating - 1.9/10. Even Jimmy Buffet wouldn’t be a fan of this poor attempt of a flick. That pretty much sums up Murdaritaville, a 62-minute disaster that might only seem tolerable after watching something like Cocaine Werewolf. No amount of drugs could make this mess worth your time. The plot, if you can call it that, revolves around a group of trop-rock fanatics on their way to an impersonator contest. Their fun is cut short when they start getting picked off by a killer dressed as a parrot man in a floral shirt that looks like it was picked up from a clearance rack at a party store. The costume is laughable—though whether that’s in a good or bad way is up for debate, as it’s so cheap it’s almost endearing. Any fan of B-budget horror can put that aside if there is some creative practical gore or amusing kills but this movie has neither. The acting, for the most part, is as lackluster as the plot, but Jenna-Francis Duvic stands out, albeit for the wrong reasons. She looked like she wanted to be anywhere but on this set, and that’s painfully obvious, except in the credit scenes where she appeared to be happy probably because she knew this stain on her IMDB resume was finally over. Speaking of credits, the filmmakers tried to be clever, but they couldn’t even get that right. How could they not just proofread their lame attempts at humor and see they clearly meant "DRIVER" for this supposed joke?

The end credits are a mess, much like the rest of the movie, leaving you to wonder if the mistakes were intentional or just a sign of how little anyone cared about this project.

I am warning you now, this is 62 minutes of your life you’ll never get back. The only reason it doesn’t have a lower rating is because I’ve seen worse, believe it or not. If you’re in the mood for something utterly ridiculous and painful to watch, this might be your thing, but for everyone else, it’s best to avoid this one.

Sorry to admit this but Amazon is the only place to see this one according to Justwatch.

Murdaritaville (2024) #jackmeatsflix
Murdaritaville (2024)


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