My quick rating -6.8/10. You will get the majority of what you need to know if you read my review from Season 1. I was glad to see the soap opera-style conversations was nearly eliminated for this season. It brought the show back to where it should have been. Imogen Poots character Autumn really captivated the show. I think I have pointed out how great Josh Brolin is on this show so I figured I would point out another great performance. The whole cast is exceptional, to be honest, and is what will bring you back for more of the mystery around the giant hole in the ground. The only problem is the show has NOT been renewed so there will not be a third season as of now. This is one of those shows that was not nearly done with the story they were telling and left plenty of narrative to continue. Season 2 picks up right where you left off from the previous and there is almost no way for me to go into much plot without spoilers. There are more issues and alliances between the Tillersons and the Abbotts, along with some more traveling back and forth between centuries. The crafting of the story that gives us the background to Royals' (Brolin) upbringing does help us appreciate some of the first season elements a bit more, at least it did for me. Some new relationships were explored that apparently have intermixed in other time periods to keep the scifi connection alive. I am doing the best I can to describe while being so vague, I apologize. If you are interested in Quantum Leap and any of the Yellowstone western shows, this is a cross between them with some other interesting ideas dropped in there. Worth watching especially if you already have Prime, otherwise see the next line and check it out. 07.21.24 so I will update this if anything changes on a thrid season.
Outer Range: Season 2 (2024)
Updated: Mar 4